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Chemical Engineering: Bubbling point (Dew point) chart, X-Y chart, Activities Coefficient chart.

Lecture note of Dr. Hiroshi Yamamoto

Please input Antoine parameter and Wilson Large Rammda. Then push Calc. Button.
You can examine Bubbling point (Dew point) chart, X-Y chart, Activities Coefficient chart.

Example is Ethanol-Benzene System.

If you need Wilson Large Rammda, please refer to Wilson Large Rammda.
If you need Antoine parameter, please refer to Anion Parameter

If you are lucky enough your browser support old JAVA and proper setting of JAVA option, you will see the window like below. Please input Antoine parameters and Wilson parameters, then click Calc. button. you will get several charts if you select radio button.




If you can not see this window, please check browser's JAVA option or try other browser. Eventhough you fail. Give up this old IAVA verson. (This Applet is still running with Mac with FireFox browser. 2011.11.15)