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Properties Estimation: Density: Density Estimation with Yen-Woods method, JAVA program


Please draw molecule at cyan panel. Please refer to how to use animation1, animation2.
Change atom type or delete atom, mouse down and up at the same atom. You will see the several buttons and select one. Web version can not calculate Halogen and Aromatics.

Cis-, Trans- compounds return average of both.
You need not add Hydrogen.

If you are lucky enough your browser support old JAVA and proper setting of JAVA option, you will see the window like below.

If you can not see this window, please check browser's JAVA option or try other browser. Eventhough you fail. Give up this old IAVA verson. (This Applet is still running with Mac with FireFox browser. 2011.11.15) I made HTML5 program. please follow this link.

Lydersen,Greenkorn and Hougen developed liquid density estimation method which is based on 3 parameter (Tr, Pr, Zc) corresponding state theory.
Yen and Woods modified this scheme applying to analytical technique

rs/ r c = 1+SKj(1- Tr)j/3 (j=1-4)

K1=17.4425 - 214.578 Zc + 989.625 Zc2 - 1522.06 Zc3
K2=-3.28257- 13.6377 Zc + 107.4844 Zc2 - 384.211 Zc3 ( Zc<0.26)
K2=60.2091 - 402.063 Zc + 501.0 Zc2 + 641.0 Zc3 ( Zc>0.26)
r s:Density rc:Critical Density
Tr: Tmes/Critical Temperature
Zc: Compressibility Factor


McGRAW-Hill International Editions 1987
The Properties of GASES & LIQUIDS 3rd Edition
Robert C.Reid  John M. Prausnitz  Bruce E. oling