2.1 Formulae for calculating activity coefficients using the ASOG method


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2.1 Formulae for calculating activity coefficients using the ASOG method

The basic equations for determining the activity coefficient using the ASOG method are the following six.

ln γi = ln γiFH + ln γiG    (2-1)
ln γiFH = ln⁡ (viFH ) / (∑j (vjFH xj ) + 1- (viFH )/∑j(vjFH xj )    (2-2)
ln⁡ γiG =∑k vki (ln Γk – ln⁡ Γk(i) )    (2-3)
ln⁡Γk = -ln∑l Xl akl +1- ∑l(Xl alk) / ∑m(Xm alm )   (2-4)
Xl=∑i xi vli / ∑ixikvki    (2-5)
ln⁡ akl = mkl + nkl/T   (2-6)

γi:activity coefficient
ln γiFH :Contribution of different component molecules in solution.
lnγiG :Contributions showing inter-group interaction.
vjFH :Number of atoms, excluding hydrogen atoms, in pure component j
xj:Mole fraction of component j in solution
vki:Number of atoms in component i excluding hydrogen atoms in group k
Γk:Group activity coefficient for group k
Γk(i):Group activity coefficient of k in the standard state (net component i)
akl:Group interaction parameters for groups k and l(akl ≠alk)
Xl:Group fraction of group l in solution

The formulae handled in chemical engineering make extensive use of superscripts, subscripts, Σ, etc., which makes it very difficult to understand what you are doing.
But don’t worry: the computer does the calculations for Σ, etc. automatically.

There are four values that have to be given to the computer: vjFH , vki, mkl and nkl.
These parameters are determined by choosing two (or more than two, the same) pure components.
Let’s look at these parameters in the first example ethanol/water system.

First, vjFH is the number of atoms in the pure component j, excluding hydrogen atoms. Ethanol is CH3CH2OH, so vethanolFH is 3.
Water is H2O, so vwaterFH is 1.

In vki, put the number of atoms, excluding hydrogen atoms, in group k in component i. (However, CH3-, -CH2-, >CH- and >C< must be counted as 1:1:0.8:0.5 atoms.) Ethanol has no branches, so v(CH2,ethanol)=2 and v(OH,ethanol)=1 are counted. Water is also one group with one molecule, but counted as 1.6. v(H2O,water)=1.6.

It is important to note that vjFH and vki are determined by one pure component. Therefore, if the values are registered in the solvent database, they can be identified simply by selecting the solvent.

Next, the group interaction parameter akl is obtained for groups k and l. The three groups present in this ethanol/water are CH2, OH and H2O. The group interaction parameter akl is an asymmetric (akl ≠ alk) value, so we have to find six values: a(CH2,OH), a(OH,CH2), a(CH2,H2O), a(H2O,CH2), a(OH,H2O), a(H2O,OH).

However, these values are also already determined as ASOG parameters. So, once the solvent pairs are determined, they are simply brought from the database.

In other words, to determine the activity coefficient γi, you only need to determine two solvents. Simple, isn’t it?

Next section: 2.2 Estimation of the gas-liquid equilibrium using the ASOG method

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