HSPiP ver.5.4.01 is now available.
This version is also free to upgrade for all users who are using old HSPiP.
Download and install the software from the official website.
From 5.4.X, the old format hsd and sof will no longer be supported, only xml format, so if you want to use the old format, please keep the old 5.3.x and install the new version.
How to:
C:Program Files > Hansen Solubility > HSPiP
Rename HSPiP to, say, HSPiP5.3 and install the new version. This will create a new folder called HSPiP and do a clean install.
It is recommended that you keep the old version, as the results may change from what you wrote in your patent or paper.
This version 5.4.X is the last version of the ver. 5 series.
The next version, Ver. 6.0.x, will be a complete revamp, so please stay tuned.