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Official HP HSPiP(Hansen Solubility Parameters(HSP) in Practice)
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Hansen Solubility Parameter (HSP)
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Hansen Solubility Parameters in Practice (HSPiP) e-Book Contents
(How to buy HSPiP)


Chapter 36, The next steps (What Is Planned and Asked For)

The purpose of this package of book and software is to establish HSP as a routine tool for use in a wide range of applications from paints to toxicology, from quantum dots to environmental plastics.

We’ve done what we can to make the principles clear and to provide working examples across a whole range of techniques. We’ve tried to make the software as friendly, powerful and useful as possible – and used every bit of the functionality for our own purposes in our own work and in writing the book.

We’ve sometimes had to go outside our own areas of speciality and had to push HSP to the limits of our understanding.

Our hope is that this will be the beginning of a process. We want feedback from readers/users. We expect criticism for some of the ideas, we expect that users will find bugs or limitations in the software. We expect that some of the data in our databases will be challenged.

Our commitment (backed up by the Abbott Guarantee) is to keep upgrading the book, software and data in the light of our own continuing research and in response to user feedback. The many improvements in the 3rd Edition have shown how serious is our commitment to this process. At the time of writing this we only have glimpses of what future editions might hold.

We are acutely aware that we all need more robust ways for pinning down HSP for old and new chemicals. We’ve done a lot of background work to refine the current tables, and (thanks to the generosity of their originators) implemented the Y-MB and Stefanis-Panayiotou methods. We also continue to have some active programs behind the scene which we believe will deliver further improvements. But we hope that readers/users will also help in the process, by pointing out problems, by bringing their own techniques and ideas to help us all.

So now you know that we are doing our bit to continue the progress on HSP. Our hope is that you will be happy to contribute to the journey towards fuller understanding and usefulness.

Please contact us at steve@hansen-solubility.com or charles.hansen@get2net.dk or chemneuro@mac.com


Steven Abbott

Charles Hansen

Hiroshi Yamamoto

Version 3.1 November 2010


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