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Official HP HSPiP(Hansen Solubility Parameters(HSP) in Practice)
HSPiP How to buy

Hansen Solubility Parameter (HSP)
  Basic HSP
  Bio, Medical, Cosmetic
  Properties Estimation
  Analytical Chemistry
  Formulating for Cosmetics
  DIY:Do It Yourself

  Properties Estimations
  Polymer Science
  Chemical Engineering
  Molecular Orbital
  Other Chemistry
  DIY:Do It Yourself

Other Writing

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HSPiP developer team

Hansen Solubility Parameter(HSP) basic concept is likes seek likes.
And we 3 are so big exception.
We are so different but coming together.


Dr. Hansen (left), Prof. Abbott (center), Dr. Yamamoto(right)

Developer Conference at backyard of Prof. Abbott’s house.
We discussed about HSPiP ver.3

The articles in User’s forum are written by me (Hiroshi).
Actually, I am not so good at writing English.
If you can not understand my poor English, please write mail to Prof. Abbott.

I will support HSPiP Japanese user.(Japanese user means the contact e-mail address end with jp [XXX@yy.zz.jp] )

Other user will be supported by prof. Abbott.

So, if you want to be supported by prof. Abbott, please buy HSPiP contact e-mail end with XXX @ yy.zz.com or something not jp.

I am the JAVA programer and my platform is Macintosh. So I use Parallels Desktop to run HSPiP. But I do not know why but the newest emulator have some graphical problems. Is there anyone who can solve this problems?

The HSPiP is basically build by visual basic.
So, I convert my program into C# and Prof. Abbott convert it to visual basic or use as dll.
I have several new programs that on the developing.
I will release them as “Thriller Seeker version” on Pirika some day.